Educational Travel Grants

In recognition of diminishing continuing education funds and the travel and related expenses associated with attending educational meetings, NNECOS is pleased to continue its Educational Travel Grant program for our 2025 Spring Meeting. A limited number of educational travel grants will be awarded as detailed in the following program. 

Award Levels

  • Local Attendee (100 miles or less round trip from meeting) $75
  • Regional Attendee (101-200 miles round trip from meeting) $100
  • Extended Region Attendee (>200 miles round trip) $125
 i.      Apply online by the established deadline
 ii.     NNECOS active associate or fellow/trainee member in good standing
 iii.    Not eligible to receive more than one travel grant per event/meeting
 iv.    Must register, attend and participate in the 2025 Spring Meeting

Payment: Grant will be awarded at the conclusion of the meeting (you must participate in the entire meeting to be eligible).

Northern New England Clinical Oncology Society
P.O. Box 643
Sandown, NH 03873-0643
Telephone (603) 887-1948

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