In accordance with the by-laws of the Northern New England Clinical Oncology Society, the NNECOS Nominations Task Force hereby issues a call for nominations for members of the NNECOS Board of Directors.
The NNECOS Board of Directors is comprised of up to 21 voting members, each of whom is elected to a three-year, renewable term, with a rotating cycle each election year. In addition to committee work, directors meet via Zoom on a bimonthly basis as well as in person twice annually (currently in October and January). Read the Board of Directors job description. For a complete list of the current board of directors, visit:
Interested candidates (incumbents and new nominees) may self-nominate or be nominated by a colleague using the nomination form. The nomination period will close on Wednesday, September 4th.
To be eligible to serve as a member of the NNECOS Board of Directors, nominees shall have:
Procedure for Slate Preparation
Nominees will be contacted by a member of the nominations committee to review eligibility and board service requirements. Qualified nominees will be presented on the slate of candidates for election to the NNECOS Board of Directors during the annual election.
Election Process
Online voting will be open from September 9th - September 30th. Active NNECOS members in good standing (Active Physician and Active Associate) are eligible to vote in the election. Results will be announced in early October, with the term to begin at the conclusion of the Annual Meeting on Saturday, November 2nd.
Nomination Deadline
If you or someone you know would make a good member of the NNECOS Board of Directors, please submit a nomination using the Nomination Form by 11:00 pm on September 4th.