Block time on your calendar for NNECOS! The NNECOS Lunchtime Webinar Task Force is excited to feature a lunchtime webinar on the last Thursday of each month. Each quarter, we'll include at least one original content webinar, in addition to a mixture of industry partner and encore webinars. Continuing Nursing Education Credits will be available for some sessions. Register once and you're on the list for the entire series!*
We look forward to seeing you!
Thursday, March 27th Nutrition for Cancer Prevention, Throughout Treatment, and Survivorship Marla Tryder, RD, LD | Thursday, April 24th Putting Bispecific Antibodies into Practice Yoni Resnick, PharmD |
2024 Abstract Showcase Recording
Sonya Perkins, BS, RN, OCN, MSCRN - Community Cancer Program Integrated Team Approach to Oral Anticancer Therapy
Amber Peters, RN, OCN - Development of a Genomic Tumor testing process to expand access to Genomic Clinical Trials in Rural Maine
Alicia Brown, MPT, NASM-CPT & Christopher Brown, CSCS, CCET, PN - Exercise Improves Cancer Related Fatigue. Now What? Developing a Standardized Approach to Exercise for All Phases of Cancer Survivorship
Karly Rogers, BSN, RN, OCN - Creating an escape room to teach neutropenic fever management
Nurses, please email us at for more details about earning nursing CNE credit for viewing the Abstract Showcase session recording.
Caring for Everyone: Unique Needs of LGBTQ+ People with Cancer
Recording Available - Register for Access using the Link Below
Dr. Shail Maingi from Dana Farber Cancer Institute shares knowledge about health disparities experienced by sexual and gender minorities (SGM) in the United States across the cancer care continuum and discuss resources, clinical pearls, and opportunities to improve the cancer care received by LGBTQ+ patients and their families. Register now for recording access
April Webinar Recording