2020 Spring Meeting Call for Abstracts

Submissions for this year's meeting have ended.

Check out the accepted abstracts!

We want to hear about your efforts to enhance quality, care delivery, and the patient experience. Share your innovative project, program or best practice!

The Northern New England Clinical Oncology Society seeks abstracts on innovative hematology/oncology topics to share knowledge during the Spring Meeting. Physicians, nurses, advanced practice nurses and PA's, ancillary health care providers (psychologists, physical therapists, etc.), administrators, pharmacists, and post-graduate trainees (fellows, residents, students) are invited* to submit abstracts. (*Employees of pharmaceutical companies are not eligible.) Abstracts previously submitted to ASCO, ASH, etc. are acceptable. Limited funding through travel and expense grants will be available. NNECOS reserves the right to review and accept submissions.

Poster Presentation

Authors of accepted abstracts will be invited to present a poster on Saturday, March 21, 2020, offered a discounted meeting registration of $25.00, and eligible to apply for a travel and expense grant.

Podium Presentation

Three abstracts will be selected for oral presentations on Saturday, March 21, 2020. The responsible first author will receive:

  • a $250 stipend
  • mileage reimbursement
  • complimentary meeting registration
  • reimbursement for poster printing cost

Selected Areas/Topics:

Topics should be centered around the theme of innovation in cancer care.

Abstracts Guidelines:

  • 250 words or less (strictly enforced)
  • Affiliations clearly listed
  • Submission should be divided into the following sections: Background, Methods, Results and Conclusions
  • Submitted electronically via NNECOS website (click on "Register" to access the submission form).
  • First authors will receive e-mail verification of receipt.

Submission Deadline: January 27, 2020 for podium, February 21, 2020 for poster only.

Contact Information

Your name, institution, address, telephone number, fax number, and eĀ­mail address. As the First Author (presenter), you will receive all future correspondence from NNECOS.

Abstract Title

The title of your abstract in sentence case, capitalizing only the first letter of the first word of the title and any proper nouns or acronyms. Do not use proprietary drug names in the title; use generic drug names instead. Do not refer to study results or conclusions in the title; it should objectively describe the study.  NNECOS reserves the right to edit abstract titles to conform to this policy.


The name and institution of each coauthor.

Disclosure Declaration

Abstracts accepted for podium presentation will be required to submit an abstract disclosure form for all authors. Please fax to 603-887-6049 after acceptance.


The First Author must

  • Verify that all coauthors are aware of the contents of the abstract and support its data.
  • Agree, on behalf of all coauthors, to transfer copyright to NNECOS for publication in the spring meeting proceedings and on the NNECOS website.
  • Agree to deliver an oral presentation if selected (first authors may indicate desire to be considered for poster presentation only)
  • Agree to be present during the scheduled time of a Poster Session
  • Adhere to the following conflict of interest policy


NNECOS must ensure fair balance, independence, objectivity, and scientific rigor in all of its educational activities through appropriate disclosure of financial interests, among other things. The following interests or relationships must be disclosed: employment or leadership position, advisory role, stock ownership, honoraria, research funding, expert testimony, and other remuneration. It is the responsibility of the First Author to obtain disclosure information from all coauthors and to provide all disclosure of such interests and relationships at the time of submission.

Check out our video: Making a Poster!