Thank you founding members

We're still energized from the wonderful Cheers to 30 Years Celebration in October, and so grateful to all who contributed to making the evening so memorable. Pictured above are the commemorative glass sculptures presented to Drs. Denis Hammond, Chris Nunnink, Collier Smyth, Steve Larmon, and Ron Carroll in celebration of our 30 Year Anniversary.

We invite you to enjoy the reflections shared below, and join us in celebrating all who have contributed to our success through the years. 

Steven S. Larmon, MD

NNECOS has been a very important organization in my life and practice. Before anything else, I really want to say thank you to all who have made this organization a multi-generation source of help and encouragement in the practice of Oncology.

When I first came to NH to practice, I had six years of experience in the “real world “in a practice in the Boston area. I knew a little about the business and had an idea of how a day-to-day clinic would work. I was asked to set up a new “Cancer Center “in Keene. In a way there it was "learn as you go".

Denis Hammond and the group that came together from the three states were welcoming, helpful, and practical. The organization had a wealth of knowledge that I needed and was always there for support. It was a source of confidence as well. In a world where Academics sometimes leaves behind the community practitioner, I never felt diminished by the Academics or the other Community Oncologists in the organization. Indeed, over time a real camaraderie developed which I valued and still value.

Since I’ve left the practice of oncology the pace of change in the profession has been reinforced to me. It was always a challenge to keep up. I feel it would be impossible for me to jump back in even after this short time. It was changing that rapidly while I was in practice too, and the meetings and connections of NNECOS were a significant source in helping me to stay abreast of changes. This included the connections with the other practitioners, but also with our pharmaceutical partners. I rarely felt I was being pressured in a direction other than with an opportunity to learn more.

Think of how the tools of our profession have changed from having little more than 5FU to multi drug regimens, and immunotherapy. There were so many little steps that built the practice over the more than 30 years. NNECOS was there to help as our Cancer Center rose to the challenge of making those changes.

One of the best experiences the organization provided was the opportunity to optimize the QOPI program and improve many aspects of the quality of our organization. We worked hard at the measures and were proud of the results. NNECOS gave us an opportunity to show that off a little.

I want to thank so many important people for including me in the organization and its history, particularly Denis Hammond, Steve Grunberg, Chris Nunnink. Thanks especially to Elaine Towle and Lori Aubrey for their leadership. Though I want to, there are too many others to list.

Thank you, thank you all for letting me be part of this wonderful organization and its history.

Steven S. Larmon, MD.

Dr. Hammond’s NNECOS Anniversary Reflections

Denis B. Hammond, MD

“The 30-year Celebration of NNECOS was very moving to me, as we had a chance to see how the efforts of so many people have contributed to where NNECOS is today. In that spirit, I would like to accept this beautiful glass sculpture as a symbol of the contribution of all the people who have worked to improve the lives of people with cancer throughout Northern New England."

Dr. Nunnink’s NNECOS Anniversary Reflections

Chris Nunnink, MD

"NNECOS was a critical organization 30 years ago. Small practices needed to stay viable. Learning from mistakes was too costly - both for patients and practices. The similarities between the practices in NNECOS created a niche where everyone could learn faster. The clinical trials element and best practices policies complicated this maturation process. However, hard work and willingness to share accumulated knowledge helped all of us embrace these important missions. Subsequent evolution into stronger practices and affiliations with larger academic centers created what NNECOS has now evolved into. NNECOS is now a critical institution working to adapt to the changing environment in a smart and meaningful way. NNECOS is strong and caring and should remain relevant moving forward as long as the stewardship and mission is in line with those initial principles. I thank Denis, Dan, Elaine, Steve Larmon, and all the others I have worked with on these endeavors for making me wiser and NNECOS better."


Dr. Hill’s NNECOS Anniversary Reflections

John M. Hill, Jr., MD

"Membership in NNECOS, and serving on the Society’s Board of Directors, adds another dimension to one’s career in Hematology/Oncology, and this service gives back in so many ways.

Collaboration with other members to enhance education of trainees and regional practitioners, along with research sponsorship, legislative efforts and other endeavors, ultimately optimizes quality of patient care in the tri-state (ME/NH/VT) area, while also building collegiality and fostering lasting relationships.

At no time have the rewards of involvement in this organization been more palpable than at the recent 30-year anniversary celebration of NNECOS’ inception. It is an honor to serve in this capacity with so many capable and committed colleagues."

Elaine L. Towle, CMPE

Amy L. Stansfield, RN, MBA