Join NNECOS leaders, past and present, and a host of special guests as we celebrate 30 years of NNECOS! One of our six founding members, Dr. Denis Hammond will guide us through the evening’s festivities as we reminisce, celebrate our history, and invite you to be part of our future as we fulfill our commitment to promoting the highest quality care for patients with cancer and blood disorders in our region through professional networking, education, and scientific research, as well as patient advocacy and public policy.

Thanks to Our Scheduled Guests & Special Greetings

Founding Members:

  • Collier Smyth, MD
  • Ron Carroll, MD (special greeting)
  • Steve Larmon, MD
  • Chris Nunnink, MD
  • Denis B. Hammond, MD

First Executive Director: Elaine L. Towle, CMPE (special greeting)

Past NNECOS Leaders including: Dan M. Hayes, MD, Tom Openshaw, MD, Andy Hertler, MD, Doug Weckstein, MD, Anne Ireland, DNP

ASCO leaders past and present:

  • Joseph Bailes, MD (responsible for overseeing creation of ASCO's State/Regional Affiliate Program)
  • Deborah Kamin, PhD, RN (Vice President, Policy and Advocacy at American Society of Clinical Oncology)
  • Terry Cox, CAE (Director, Affiliate Relations)